AB testing
A/B testing is a user experience research methodology.
- A/B/N testing = randomized controlled experiments = controlled experiments = bucket testing = split-run testing
- A/B tests consist of a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B. It includes the application of statistical hypothesis testing or "two-sample hypothesis testing" as used in the field of statistics
- It is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject's response to variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective
- A/B testing is not good for testing long-term effect
Experiment Design
- Prerequisites
- Define key metrics: Overall Evaluation Criterion (OEC)
- Changes are easy to be made
- have enough randomization units
- Experiment design
- what population to select
- size of an experiment
- Experiment running
- collect data: instrument loggings, or utilize companies platform
- Result to decision
- sanity checks: results are unreliable if assumptions are violated
- consider
- tradeoffs between metric
- cost of launching
- Post-launch monitoring
Metric selection
- Driver Metrics (surrogate metric, indirect/predictive metric)
- major metric in AB testing
- short-term, sensitive and timely
- measurable
- attributable
- Success Metrics: DS for Business#^a0ff11
- a single or a very small set of metrics that capture the ultimate success you are striving towards
- ensure success metrics are simple and stable
- combine qualitative and quantitive methods
- qualitative: user experience research, focus groups, and surveys
- quantitive: data analysis
- strategies for metric selection
- consider business goals: growth, engagement, revenue
- consider user experience
Sample size estimation: using power analysis
Randomization units
= unit of diversion = who/what we randomly assign to each variant of an A/B test
- general considerations
- consistent user experience
- variability
- ethical considerations
- commonly used Randomization units
- Account-Based (User-Based): user ID
- Cookies
- Session-Based (or Page View-Based): event
- device ID (only for mobile)
- what should be considered when choosing randomization units
- user visible: user-level randomization required
- non-user visible: user-level randomization NOT required
- the coarseness of randomization